Balance like a 10-month-old.

The 18th century French chemist said: “Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed”. Everlasting Perfect Balance (enlightenment, inner-peace) is sought by many of us, and experienced by none (in this realm anyway), as Everlasting Perfect Balance doesn’t exist…. thankfully. Why thankfully? If it wasn’t for the loss of Balance we wouldn’t walk for example. I witnessed our oldest son discovering that universal truth when he was 10 months old. As he stood, unsure and unsteady, he, as experienced before, was about to lose his balance except that, that time, maybe because he was ready or just sheer luck, he moved one foot forward. His face was the expression of pure amazement: “what’s going on, that didn’t hurt?”. Of course, he tried to move his other foot. Then fell. But his body and mind registered something: if just before I fall, I move my foot forward I walk. There we are. To walk, we need to lose our Balance. And then get it back. This is also called Recovery.  

Anxiety, loneliness, fear, self-loathing or existential doubts and questions all have in common the “loss of balance”. Although all those experiences can be distressing, painful or frightening, the body and the mind can conspire to create that opportunity for exploration and self-learning and bring balance again. Back into balance implies the conscious experience of moving between balance and imbalance and transform that experience into a skill that will open infinite possibilities.  Reflexology and psychotherapy can be wonderful tools to mastering the walk of life, not to make it perfect forever, but to take us from A to B with gratitude, compassion and resilience.

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